Sunday, 27 November 2016

Rakshasagall in kumathi (megalithic site )

Kumathi village. Kudligi talk karnataka. This site is megalithic.village north side kumathi to valase road near thipperudraswami his fields. megalithic period used different types of artifacts used. Because area depending the raw metirial. Kumathi village totally different types of artifacts used. I think left said femaleright side statue male . Also one statue of badi broken anthor one totally broken.kumathi village megalithic tomb & Anthropomorphic statues of kumathi.      The term megalithic is derived from Greek 'megas' which means great and 'lithos ' meaning stone. So megalithics refer to the monuments, built of large stones, in ather words,  the megalithics  usually refer to the burials made of large stones in graveyards away from the habitation area. The dolmen was made of granite the east facing the measuring just like Christian characters. to me they looked like male and female figures. these status are made of 5 to 6 inches thick granite slabs. New types of artifacts.   left   side statue height
9. feet 3 inches width 6. feet 9. inches  right side statue height 9feet 5 inches width 6. feet 10inches. This site local call them as rakashsakallu demon stones.the story behind the name goes like this a godly person named Nunkemala siddeshwara was passing by this spot. Two rakashas living in the vicinity trouble him and the enraged Nunkemala siddeshwara's curse turned the rakashas into stone statues. 
The female statue is symmetrical and curvy. Very important point female statue two said hands cup marks wantedli used in statue.
The male status has straight line edges. according to the shilpa shastra. Perhaps this status was also symmetrical originally looks like the slanting limb is result of a damage. finally questions why were they made? One of the important point is their  first one this status used astronomical singnificances second one perhaps these status were grave markers and the surrounding plains was a burial ground. megalithic tomb &Anthropomorphic status of kumathi village this site is very very important prehistorical site of Karnataka.